Saturday, May 10, 2008


Mother's day is usually a week long event in our house. Matthew came home on Wednesday from JAM (children's church) and made me this beautiful hat. At first I thought I had to wear it, thank GOD he said I needed to hang it up somewhere. So here it is in my bedroom right above my full length mirror so I can see it everyday. Brianna made me a beautiful bookmarker, coupons for a "back rub" (love that one) and a tear jerker of a card! You never know how your kids think or feel about you until they write it down. Don't take anything for granted, the prayers, the talks the laughter and fun all mean something to your kids and they appreciate it so much, even if they don't tell you every day how they feel. Love them with your whole heart. These gifts are so precious to me and I treasure everyone of them.

Today at my mom's church they had a "Mother's day brunch. Mom has been going for the past 4 years with my 2 sisters. Well this year Brianna and I got to go also. It was nice spending time with my mom & my sisters for the afternoon and to visit with some of my old friends from Stroudsburg Wesleyan. This was our first church Ed pastored at before moving to Michigan.

Brianna and my "baby" sister Lorraine. Lorraine is due to have her second baby in August. NO, we don't know what it's a secret. But Ed and I are the "godparents" YIPPEEEEE!

Me and my sisters....Lorraine, LuAnn and me!

For the past couple of years Ed has been cooking dinner for me on Mothers Day. I hate to go out because everything is always so crowded. So he is cooking a nice pork loin with rice & beans, veggies on the grill, salad and of course dessert. His sister and husband will be joining us also. They moved about 1/2 hour away from us and this will be the first time we see them since about 3 years ago. I am looking forward to a great Mothers day with my family.

I wish all my MOMS out there a Happy Mothers Day! Enjoy your kids, hug them today and thank God for giving them to you! Remember your kids are watching everything you do, so set the example!


Joelle Lynn said...

every one lloks great BUT Brianna looks soooo grown up!
Glad you had a spectacular mothers day!

Halls said...

Those days of having things made for us are scary but when you look back on them they are so precious to us. We just passed soccer and baseball fields the last week and brought tears to my eyes that I won't be back there with Robert now that he is grown. So I asked Rob about fostering again and no reply as of yet but I will keep putting that bug in his ear.

Russ and Karla Patterson said...

I LOVE that hat - and all that it means! You are a very blessed mommy!