Wednesday, February 27, 2008


YES! That's what is on the windshield of my van....REJECTED! After living in NJ for 7 months that's what they tell you at the Inspection Station when you car/van fail the test. On Monday Ed & I went to Motor Vehicles to change our liscenses from Michigan to NJ. Well, he got his easy but mine, well that is another story. They will not issue me one until I get my SS card. I know the number but don't have the card since my wallet was stolen in Michigan a few years ago. I never thought I would actually need it again since I know the number! Well they need it. Then they asked me for our marriage liscense and when I showed it to them they said it was not valid, it was a certificate and they need the liscense. So, back home we went and ordered one online from Trenton. Today Trenton emails Ed and says they cannot issue me one because they need my NJ driver's liscense! DUH! How do you get a driver liscense without a marriage certificate, and how do you get a certificate without a drivers liscense????Well, Ed is applying for the marriage liscense now. Can you believe this... I never heard of anything so crazy. Then to top it off, Ed brings my van to get inspected today and it got it .....REJECTED due to a tiny crack in the tail light. So now this will cost me another $55.00 to fix. We are just hoping and praying that when it is fixed we are not REJECTED again.

I know it sounds like a crazy story, but when I walked outside today to get into my van and saw this sticker on my front windshield "REJECTED" I thought to myself how blessed I am that God never put a sticker on us that said "REJECTED". Have you ever been rejected by a friend, a brother or sister or even a spouse.....maybe you have, but God will never and has never but a sign on us that says "REJECTED". We need to be thankful for that!

So as I drive around in my van with my red sticker that says "REJECTED" I am reminded that God has not and never will reject me!! We are blessed!

We finally got our NJ plates and are almost official once we get rid of that "REJECTED" sticker. Only in NJ can you find this!! God certainly has a sense of humor..

1 comment:

Russ and Karla Patterson said...

Does this mean you get a new wedding with that license!! And maybe a honeymoon too??

I spent almost an hour in line at the Secretary of State yesterday - what an ordeal for license plates! But at least I wasn't rejected!

Hugs - and keep on smiling!

Karla & Russ