Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jersey Shore Trip!

Jenkinson's Beach, Point Pleasant, New Jersey!
I'm back! For all my blogger friends....Tuesday was my 48th birthday & Ed & Matthew were away at Kids Camp this past week. So I was home with Peter & Brianna. We headed to the Jersey shore to celebrate my day with some teens & my girlfriend Lynne. I grew up going on vacation at the Jersey shore and have alot of childhood memories there. We did not go to the beach I grew up on, but did go to Jenkinson's which is in Point Pleasant if you know NJ you will know exactly where it is. I had a great day celebrating.

Lynne & I after a long day on the beach.....then we headed to the boardwalk.

Our group of teens!

My Peter loves the waves & it was high tide, which made it even more fun for him.

The whole gang out in the water!