Monday, September 29, 2008

We went to visit my neice Riley yesterday who is now 6 weeks old. She is so darn cute! Here she is with Uncle Ed watching the Mets loose!

Love those cheeks!

Here is my Bri Bri, as you can see her leg is in an aircast. She is my soccer star and a week ago she twisted her ankle at her first game. What we thought was a sprained ankle, turned out to be a fractured growth plate. She will be in this cast for 3 weeks, then possibly switch to a brace. Poor thing loves to play soccer and now cannot play for the season. She hopes to be better for basketball season in February!

Riley's big sister Vincenza ready to down that whole piece of cake in her mouth....and she did it!

Riley sticking her tongue out at Aunt Doreen!


I apologize for not posting in awhile but I started the new craze of "Facebook" and I foget all about blogging. I know that most of you are on "facebook", but for those of you that are not, here are some updates. Matt has started playing football for the Jr. Lions. This is his first time playing organized football and loves it!

He was so proud to bring home his uniform last week!

And #77 is my Peter playing for the HS Lions. He is on JV and it's his first time playing organized football. I have never seen a sport that has been so demanding on such young boys.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Brianna & Matt went back to school on Thursday, Sept. 4th. I was very happy that they still would want to pose for the picture. Brianna is in 8th grade and will be graduating from Middle school this year. They do it very different here than what we are use to. They go all out for 8th grade graduations....cap & gowns, dances and of course there will be a big party for her in NJ! Have a great year Bri and enjoy 8th grade. She is off to HS in Sept. I am not looking forward to that just yet. Matt is in 3rd grade this year and is already complaining that it is too hard! He already had a sick day today. He was sent home yesterday with 101 fever, but is fine today. Have no clue where that one came from. And of course Peter.....well you know he won't pose for a picture anymore! I was thinking of going out to the bus stop as a joke, but I think he would have killed me since there are 1-2 girls that get the bus with him! But Peter is a jr. this year and I cannot believe we will be checking out colleges already. Enjoy your kids, they grow up to fast! WOW!

Bri & Matt getting on the bus with the neighbors.

off to school!

Baby Riley's visit!

My parents and 2 sisters came over for a BBQ on Labor Day. So I got to hold Riley. Her eyes were open for this picture. She is so darn cute!

Here is daddy Dave with his 2 beautiful daughters. Vincenza looks like she is holding one of her dolls there.

It wasn't long before Riley fell back to sleep! I love the t-shirt she was wearing...."I AM NOT A BOY" I wish I had one of them when my kids were babies. Always mistook the boys for girls!

Riley sleeping so peacfully!